2008年11月1日 星期六


什麼是Chinglish?就是中式英文。學習外語時會用母語思考並逐字翻譯,這是很正常的現象。然而,雖然這種現象很正常且合理,但它就是會讓你的外文聽起來不道地。舉例來說,我初學中文時學到old的中文意思是「老」,但當我用來表達「老衣服」時,我的朋友卻糾正我說用要「舊」這個字。這讓我很困惑,因為英文可以用old來表示old dog或old clothes。我花了不少時間才有辦法用中文思考,同樣地,華人也需要一段時間才能學會用英文思考。但是不要沮喪,學習英文只是需要時間和耐心。
Afraid 害怕
This is a very common phrase, (我很怕蚊子). But be careful: in English, “afraid” means actual fear, so do not say, “I am afraid of mosquitoes.” That gives the image of some 200-pound mosquito trying to kill you! In this case, just write: “I hate mosquitoes” or “I find mosquitoes annoying.” Save “afraid” for serious cases.
「我很怕蚊子」是中文裡常見的說法,但要小心,在英文中afraid是指真正的懼怕,所以不能說I am afraid of mosquitoes.,那會讓人誤以為有隻200磅的蚊子要攻擊你。這句話只要寫成I hate mosquitoes. 或I find mosquitoes annoying. 就可以了,把afraid用在更嚴重的情況吧。例如:
●Ever since I was bitten as a child, I have always been afraid of big dogs.
●With the economy doing poorly, I am afraid I may have a hard time finding a job.
Bored/Boring 無聊
These adjectives that can end with either -ed or -ing can be tricky. In general, bored is how someone feels because a situation (or another person) is boring.
這類用 -ed或 -ing結尾的形容詞很容易讓人搞錯。一般而言,bored指的是某人的感受,因為他處的情境(或面對的人)很boring。例如:
●WRONG: This class is too long. I feel very boring.
●RIGHT: This class is too long. I feel very bored.
To say you are boring is to insult yourself! But a boring class can make a person bored.
如果你說自己很boring,那就等於在侮辱自己了。但是你可以說一堂boring class讓人感到bored。

Colors 顏色
This is an easy problem to solve. Because the Chinese word for white is bai se(白色), many translate it as “white color,” as in “Have you seen my dog? It is white color.” No. All you need to say is “Have you seen my dog? It is white.”
這個問題比較容易解決。中文稱white為「白色」,因此很多人會把中文的「白色」翻譯成white color,例如Have you seen my dog? It is white color. 這是不對的,你只要說Have you seen my dog? It is white. 就可以了。
●WRONG: Blue color makes me feel peaceful.
●RIGHT: Blue makes me feel peaceful.
●WRONG: Red color and yellow color can make people feel in a hurry.
●RIGHT: Red and yellow can make people feel in a hurry.
(And what are the main colors at McDonald’s? Red and yellow. That’s why they call it “fast food.” They want you to spend your money and get out fast so they have room for the next person.)

引用自:udn校園博覽會 /美國老師教你寫出好英文》避免中式英文(1)

