2008年11月9日 星期日



5 Outwardly paralyzed with horror and humiliation, I frantically plotted the appropriate reaction. Should I run off[a1] the stage in despair or wait for the power to the return to the microphone? Time seemed to stand[a2] still, crystallizing[a3] a moment of opportunity, when intent suddenly meant everything.

6 I chose neither of my first quick solutions. Instead, I told myself only when I faced this unexpected obstacle head-on could I be the victor. I decided to close my eyes to still my quaking[a4] limbs and force out the hot anxiety in my lungs to make room for what I intended to do.

7 I took a deep breath, paused for a moment, and then continued. Before me, the quiet audience focused on each new word, as if I had been[a5] a bird, singing[a6] out for the very first time. Knowing I had made the right decision, I felt the blood return to my pale face, along with a calm, sure feeling. In addition, from somewhere beside me, I heard my voice boom, this time without electronic help. It reached far into the upper balcony, where I could see people no longer bobbing their heads, but sitting [a7] fascinated, and maybe amazed at how determined I was.我深吸一口氣,暫停了一會兒,然後繼續進行。 在我面前,安靜的觀眾專注的的聽我說每一個字,好像我是一隻初生試鳴的鳥。當我知道我的決定是正確的時候, 我覺得血液回到我蒼白的臉上,還有一種平靜且篤定的感覺。 然後,在我旁邊的某個地方,我聽到自己的聲音宏亮了起來,這一次沒有器具的幫助。 我的聲音遠達上面的座位,在那裡我可以看到人們不再搖頭晃腦,而是著迷的坐著,或許是因為對於我的堅定而感到訝異。

問1: 第6段第2行
為什麼是could I 而不是 I Could
問2: 第7段第2行 focused on each new word 的each在句子裡代表是什麼意思?

[a1]逃離=run away from

[a2]用介係詞to 隔開





